Share Buyback Program

On March 19, 2020, the Board of Directors in Diös announced that, in accordancewith the resolution of the Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) on 23 April 2019, a share buy-back programme will be initiated. The AGM authorised the Board to acqurie trasury shares until the next AGM. The number of shares repurchased may not exceed such number as would cause the Group’s total holding of treasury shares after the share buybacks to exceed ten (10) per cent of all outstanding shares of the company.

Date Aggregated daily volume (number of shares) Weighted average share price per day (SEK) Total daily transaction value (SEK)
2020-03-20 144,418 65.4876 9,457,588
2020-03-19 297,000 64.1881 19,063,866

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