Green Financing

Diös Green Financing Framework, in accordance with EU Taxonomy and European Green Bond Standard

With a unique position through our centrally located properties, our geographic diversification and our clear focus on cash flow, we deliver stable profitability and growth. For Diös, responsible business is about taking a comprehensive approach to economic, social and environmental aspects. We are making a concerted effort to change our own behaviour, which is having a positive impact and will ultimately inspire and encourage our stakeholders to do the same. We want to help fight climate change and create safer cities while also creating new opportunities for businesses and new meeting places for people.

Our Green Financing Framework adds an additional part to our responsible business.

Annual reports - Green Financing Framework


Outstanding green financing

This table shows green financing data.

Nominal Amount, SEKm
Green bonds1,975 
Green commercial papers 163
Green bank loans 587
Total green financing 2,725
Eligible green assets 3,127
Remaining green amount 402
Green liquidity portfolio -

As of 31 Mar, 2024

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